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Meet Stevie

Stevie Fedele, the creator of Nourish has been dedicated to her overall wellness for the past 10 years. Through this dedication she has found a way to stay grounded and persist through life's many difficulties in an easeful way. It is now of Stevie's highest priority to share the tools and practices that have landed her here with others. Stevie is a Breathe Yoga certified Yoga and Meditation teacher, certified Health and Life coach and has spent thousands of hours on her mat at as a yoga practitioner. Yoga for Stevie has been a way to finally show up for herself and work through many limitations that have held her back from experiencing life in a way she always dreamed of. In addition to Yoga, becoming a Health and Life Coach has played a major part in Stevie's overall transformation. Working as a Health and Life Coach keeps Stevie and everyone that she works with in the space of possibility, possibility for whatever they truly desire out of life and provides clear steps to get there.  

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